We manage 100+ volunteers with signup.com. It's not perfect (the ads are annoying,) but it provides the majority of the functionality that we want, and all of the functionality that we need. Non-computer savvy folks have trouble with it, but for anyone with a basic grasp of computer skills, it works just fine.
Mary Catherine Graziano Education and Volunteer Manager Local Motion 1 Steele St., Burlington, VT 05401 phone: 802-861-2700 ext. 106 fax: 802-861-3096
We offer: Kids' Bike Skills Programs for schools, recreation programs and summer camps: www.kohlskidsbikesmart.org
AND Bike Skills Programs for adults: http://www.localmotion.org/education/everydaybicyclingproject
http://www.facebook.com/localmotionvt http://www.twitter.com/localmotionvt http://www.instagram.com/localmotionvermont
On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 1:08 PM, A Westphal atwestphal96@gmail.com wrote:
Hello all,
*Short message*: please reply and let me know what software programs your group uses to coordinate your volunteers! I'm also happy to hear about donor management/CRM and any other software which makes your organization run smoothly.
*Longer message*: Common Cycle in Ann Arbor, MI is working to transition from mobile operations to a fixed space. To prepare, we want to get a grasp on who our volunteers are, how much they volunteer, how we can help them volunteer more, etc etc. Currently we create event sign-ups in Google Sheets and event check-ins in Google Forms. It seems that a volunteer management software would be the best solution to manage our people as we expand. I know this topic has been covered in the ThinkTank before, and I've used the Archive resources (and Wikia things too) to create a fairly comprehensive list of available programs. Once I have your feedback, which I hope will be more cooperative-specific than my current list, I'm planning to share the results with this list and I hope it can be helpful for others.
Thanks for your input: I look forward to your responses.
Cheers from Michigan Andrew Westphal
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