Bikes for the World, based in Arlington, VA was leasing space from the City of Rockville, MD up until late last year when the barn they were using was condemned. We were starting discussions on sharing that space until that happened. I can put you in touch with Keith Oberg who can give you more details about the arrangement. Other than that, I know of three Rockville-based theater groups who lease space from the City for storage and construction space. Again, I can get contact information for you. Feel free to email me at swandruski@gmail.com
Steve Andruski The Rockville Bike Hub www.rockvillebikehub.org Like us on facebook: TheRockvilleBikeHub Follow us on Twitter: @RockBikeHub
On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 9:29 AM, DBC Communications Durham Bike Co-op < durhambikecoop.communications@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear fellow subscribers,
My name is Marcilla Smith, and I am the Communications Coordinator for the Durham Bicycle Co-operative. We are a 501(c)3 community bike project in Durham, NC, USA founded in 2007. I am writing today to make a first posting introduction, and to ask a question.
Earlier this month, the City of Durham agreed to lease our co-op some unused property from the city's parks department. Until this happened, I have been unaware of any bike co-ops that operate on government land. All others with which I am familiar either own the land or lease from a private owner. I am curious if anyone has any additional information about any other community bike projects with facilities on government property.
For more information about the Durham Bike Co-op, please visit our website at www.durhambikecoop.org
Marcilla Smith
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