So, in the question of wheel truing, I am wondering why you don't allow
for rims becoming deformed. As a learned mechanic you know of the
procedures Barnett has for unbending a rim, or you know how to replace
a rim or even sell a customer an undamaged wheel to replace the
damaged one.  Unless you promote that a damage wheel will be just 
as safe for the cyclist to use as one that is not damaged.
As a mechanic: when you sign off that the work is compleated your actions say that the
bike is up to standards and safe.A court of law does not recognize ( as
safe as it can be) as a legal defination. On your own bike you can work
on a bent wheel, On a customers bike, you take on a world of liability
if you do not complete a repair to the safest standard, The action of presenting 
damaged product as safe can harm both you and your business,
Your presentation implies that rims maintain
perfection except in cases where spoke tension temporarily interferes.

In other words, it's obvious that while some spokes may become loose
through repetitive stress, since the web of spokes share a single load,
others will become tighter as the rim deforms. Since little can be done
in the average shop to re-perfect the bare rim once deformed, the
tighter spokes must maintain some amount of increased tension to keep
this now-deformed rim true. 

I'm not going to present any test that I've developed to "prove" this
process, I'm actually posting this response because I find it kind of
offensive that you keep posting here essentially as a salesperson. When
someone posts to a mailing list to sell a product, to me that
constitutes cause to block that person from the mailing list.

If you want to freely share here tutorials and techniques for everyone
to review and learn from, in the interest of helping community bike
shops hone their skillsets to a higher standard, I'd be the first to get
interested. As it is, you never post detailed instructions, and quite
frankly a lot of the processes you allude to are bizarrely out of scope
with what most of us do on a daily basis. Do you ever tighten a bolt
too tightly or without enough clamping force because you do not
measure torque? If a bolt broke or slipped would you be liable? Do
you like feeling grind in your hubs or see that your cones are pitted
in bikes with quick release levers but seldom see cone damaged in bolt on hubs?
Do your daily commuter customers complain that there brakes are rubbing and your
truing work only lasts for part of a season and not years?
Do cyclist ever complain about a click in the pedal area? Are these
the bizarrely out of scope ideas you speak of?      Your posts smell like bait.
They are bait, Designed to get you to think. If you can not come up with an answer
then as a group you can either come up with tests or 100% beliefs. The beliefs are
dark ages showing its head in 2019. No one is lifted up in knowledge base or skill with belief.
My knowledge is for sale, only because it has value, I also see that your community based
bicycle organizations have value. You work hard and do great things, I have worked hard
and I make great materials. Your moneys are tight and I am willing to greatly discount my 
work to help make your programs more profitable, improve quality,  reduce liability, and more.
Nicholas, if you see me as having no value to this group, ban me!  If you think I work for free,
Bite me!  I want to lift up organizations that are open to improving the experience of cyclist and their businesses.  

I'm personally requesting that you reconsider posting here. In this
particular case, you even tacked your message onto a completely
unrelated thread. I mean, might be I'm actually talking to a spam bot.
Ok I am a bot, you caught me
cyclista Nicholas

On 2019-02-03 05:57, wrote:
> I will ask a few questions and I am seeking if you have tests to prove
> your answers.
> Does a quick release lever change the adjustment of a hub? Yes or No
> is not important, how do you test to verify your answer is important.
> How can this test be used to reduce service time to 1/20 the time?
> What does facing do for the customers ride experience? Nothing/
> Something? The following answers are guesses, beliefs, not science or
> engineering based: it should be done, it is done at the factory, it
> does not need to be done, eliminates pedal click, professional cyclist
> have it done. So what does it do? how does it improve a cyclist ride
> experience? How do you verify your answer?
> How do stainless steel spokes and cables stretch once and then
> magically become harder and never stretch again? If they do not
> stretch once, then how do they get longer once? How do you verify your
> answer?
> Do Bolts stretch? Yes or No, how do you verify your answer?
> How does a chain that can stretch at 900 Kg or 2000 pounds of force
> get stretched on a bike frame that can only support a 160 Kg or 350
> lbs cyclist. How can a 45 Kg or 100 pound cyclist put 900 Kg or
> 2000 Lbs of force into a chain to stretch it? Without destroying their
> knees? How do you verify your answer?
> Which leads to the question, How does one type of shift lever make a
> chain function twice as long as another type. How do you verify your
> answer?
> Why do mechanics tighten and loosen spokes? When a cyclist uses a
> wheel spokes get looser. Spokes only need to be tightened to round,
> dish, tension, and true a wheel. How can finite element analysis and
> computational fluid dynamics help a mechanic work 36 times more
> efficiently?
> How can understanding the Sphere Stacking Equation improve the
> hydraulic systems on a bicycle? (Both hydraulic braking and suspension
> systems) and make cycling safer.
> How can a mechanic use a bench as a tool to reduce service time 25%
> Would it help your school, your students, bicycle businesses and
> cyclist; if your curriculum included verifiable testing processes,
> efficient practices to reduce procedure time 25% to 50%, service sale
> language to help cyclist understand what a procedure does to improve
> their cycling experience to improve sales?
> If any of this or all of this is new to you and you would like to
> improve your training, feel free to reach out and start a conversation
> telephone only. 773 -490 -0683 Christopher O. Wallace . I am located
> in Chicago Illinois.
> PS
> Yes I have re-invented the wheel three different ways, I am looking to
> improve the cycling industry and I feel schools are the best way to do
> that! I look forward to hearing from you.
> Sincerely
> Christopher O, Wallace
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