Things here in Santa Clara County, California have changed quite rapidly. Although this Saturday was supposed to be one of our big volunteer days, we're effectively closed to groups and any volunteer needing assistance in repairing a bike, and we're pausing incoming bike donations. Our latest public update is here https://bikex.org/2-uncategorised/182-coronavirus-covid-19-impact-bicycle-exchange-activities-update, and that is a change from our previous plan just five days ago here https://bikex.org/2-uncategorised/181-coronavirus-news-bicycle-exchange-limits-event-size .
I don't know if we've gotten it right, but we're trying to be safe not sorry, while allowing for individuals to still work on bikes. There certainly are varied opinions on this topic but I think looking at the virus' path in other countries and not just thinking about our own risk is key. I think closing completely is the safest, of course.
Stay safe everyone. -Andrew General Manager Silicon Valley Bicycle Exchange https://bikex.org/ | IG https://www.instagram.com/bicycle.exchange/ | FB https://www.facebook.com/bikex.org/ View our used bikes for sale here https://svbikex.square.site/s/shop
On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 3:04 PM peter@BikeClarkCounty.org < peter@bikeclarkcounty.org> wrote:
We’re monitoring based upon our local state and city guidelines. Also, monitoring our local school district (whether to shut down our programs which will gear up in a month).
We have spray bottles with 5:1 water bleach recommend ratio to clean our community benches, tools, and stands between users. Auto hand san dispensor at door and every work bench.
Options to close shop to deep clean, or only have one staff per day work on bikes, or lay off staff to collect unemployment, etc are being reviewed.
As Seattle hit hard I’m sure Portland/Vancouver metro is pending..
We just posted social media & newsletter as follows:
*At Bike Clark County, health is a big part of our mission. In regards to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we are continuing to monitor information put out by Washington State Health Department https://bikeclarkcounty.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=906f24f8b378e0a84bf38b97a&id=6494084d82&e=557ba4760d, and the Vancouver School District https://bikeclarkcounty.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=906f24f8b378e0a84bf38b97a&id=229518c388&e=557ba4760d. We are a community use space, and want to be sure all of our volunteers and employees do their best to stay healthy. At this time, we have decided to proceed with volunteer night as scheduled. Educational programs will also take place as scheduled, following the Vancouver School District's lead. As information changes, this may also change. We wanted to check in with you to ensure that everyone follows best practices to help stem the spread of this pandemic. *
- *Please stay home if you are sick.*
- *All benches and tools regularly wiped down with bleach. *
- *Wash your hands with soap and water regularly*
- *We suggest wearing surgical gloves provided by the shop to help
remind you not to touch your face. *
- *Practice social distancing while in the shop*
- *If you are in an at risk group, please stay home. We want to enjoy
your company for years to come.*
Peter Van Tilburg Executive Director, Board VP Bike Clark County
Community Bike Shop: 1604 Main St., Vancouver, WA. 98660 Wed-Sat 11am-6pm, Sunday 11am-4pm
c. 503.572.9894 peter@bikeclarkcounty.org *http://www.linkedin.com/in/petervantilburg http://www.linkedin.com/in/petervantilburg* http://www.bikeclarkcounty.org/ www.bikeclarkcounty.org *Bike Clark County is equipping, empowering, and connecting youth to our community.*
On Mar 12, 2020, at 12:51 PM, Bob Giordano mist@strans.org wrote:
We're monitoring the situation like many of you,
We're doing the small things like keeping clean; for now using extra paper towels instead of old, clean t-shirt for communal hand drying; considering the wipe down of tools, etc
Also talking about closing for a couple weeks, or whatever appropriate time length.
And we can use that time to do deep cleaning, bike building, organizing, and so on.
Maybe keeping some fix-it stations open?
...wanted to see what others are thinking?
Thanks, Bob Giordano, Free Cycles Missoula
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