i've got a friend who's part of a group that is interested in starting a bicycle based library in the Los Angeles area. They're still working out most of the details, but basically imagine a cargo bike or trailer with a bunch of books that rides around and parks and has books available for checkout/free 

Is anyone involved in something like this? Or know of projects like this? I know I saw a video of one a long time ago but can't recall where. The bike/library in that video had a taller wooden box with swing-open doors and was primarily a homeless outreach program at the beginning. I would love some links if you know of any. 

Would also love to put my friend in touch with someone who's done it before to chat about the process of getting it set up, equipment, costs, etc. The person I know who's involved is a recent (past two years or so) convert to the awesomeness of bikes, so a lot of nuts and bolts (literally and figuratively) of this thing can likely use some experienced guidance. 

