Friends I am thankful for the growth of the Summit Cycling Center. In 2007, it was an idea born at the Peter Maurin Center. In 2008, it became an Ohio Nonprofit Corporation. At Thanksgiving 2009, it was supported by less than 10 members. I was moving my mothballed bike shop equipment into Canal Place. I had help moving, usually one friend at a time. In 2010, we have grown to 45 members and gained many patrons and supporters in the community. We established an elected board in May; and by next year, we should should have 501c3 tax exempt status. Even without the status, we have received some incredible bike donations; and other goods, as well. Hard working members have come in and arranged the store layout; building shelves and a bench. Thank you one and all! Charles Hudkins and I built a bike trailer from re-purposed and re-used materials. We set up a courier contract with S E Blueprint. The trailer has hauled a lot of blueprints since June. This courier service has contributed a significant amount of income to our coffers. With it, we met one facet of our mission statement-to create cycle-based micro-enterprises. Charles was unemployed before he joined SCC in May, now he makes money for himself and SCC as a courier. We hope to expand the courier service in the coming year. We plan to start other micro-enterprises. as well. We are currently working on a multi-modal conveyence. Tyler Goodin contributed a wooden shipping crate. Dave Stoddard donated a pair of utility wheels. We salvaged some EMT and borrowed a hydraulic bender. We bought some steel and lumber. When completed, it will be a sturdy cargo hauler. Its three modes will be 1)pushcart 2)bike trailer 3)front end of a tadpole box trike. It will be used to take scrap metal to the salvage yard, which will put some cash in our coffers. It also will be available for rental for anyone wanting to move a load car-free. We are off on a good start. I thank all of you for what you have contributed as a customer, a member, or a donor. Yet we are not all we can be yet. We have needs and wants; some simple and some not so. We need a few more folding chairs. We need certain key tools for the 1st bench and more basic tools for the member's workbench. If you have any spare tools that you don't need, call and see if they can be used for our members and repair classes. Eventually, we will need 5 sets of tools for repair classes. Any left over lumber, pegboard, metal stock in your garage? We will find a use for it. Have you a wringer washer that you can give? Have you any rags? Any bike parts or accessories? The membership would like SCC to have its own phone and internet service. For the first year, Time Warner requires $1535.00. Will anyone or a group of you pledge that amount?Of course, we will need a phone for that. Does anyone have a phone they can donate? Having these services will very likely increase membership enrollment, sales, and our ability to serve the community. I believe that this increase will cover the cost of these services in the second year. Can anyone give us a leg up? We greatly need a computer that can run accounting and Point of Sale software. Anyone have one less than five years old that they can donate? Call and talk to Charles about it. He can tell you if it will do the job. Advanced Computer Services quoted us $199.00 for one. They are currently out of stock. Anyone willing to pledge for that? I am interested in the Quick Books for Nonprofits program and their Point of Sale program. I would like to get a hand scanner and a receipt printer, too. Any information or help in this area would be appreciated. Since the membership has grown, we need a bigger refrigerator. There will be bigger parties and events next year and we will need a bigger refrigerator to store the goods for those occasions. Can anyone help in this? Last but not least, we desperately need a bigger place. Please keep an eye out for a groundfloor space 3 to 4 thousand sq. ft.. Perhap you know someone that can provide us this space at a very low rent. Please let us know. May the road rise up to meet you; may the wind be always to your back; may the sun shine warm on your face; may your cycle run smooth and swift; may you never get a flat tire; and may God be always be with you on the highways and byways. Happy Holidays Angelo aka Biketrekker