Hello, This is Paul Slater, of the BicycleXchange (BXC). I received an email from someone whom wishes to donate approx 150 bikes some disassembled and mostly maintained. The bikeb are located on Sanibel Island (West Coast of Florida) coming out of storage units. I was wondering if there is a collective not yet added to the directory that may want the donation. We are just out of reach to get them however it could be rewarding because it is such an affluent area. It seems the public is using the current directory for contacts. I know a few small coops that im encouraging to join. Thank you and hope to hear back soon. I have requested pictures to see the stash...I will share them when i get 'em. Paul Slater BicycleXchange-Community Built Bikes www.theBXC.org http://www.thebxc.org/