I've got everything from Toronto (Including a full sheet of bike-cats for design purposes!). I can attest that nothing exists from MPLS because they had it on the back end of the website which got wiped when they gave us the "keys".

In terms of anecdotal content rather than physical documents, I have been hoping to collect that material for the past few years (possibly through email or phone interviews?) partly to create a history and also to put together a zine for B!B! I am still interested in working on this moving forward.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 6:41 AM, <veganboyjosh@gmail.com> wrote:
hi, Clint, 

i've cc'ed the list in case anyone else might find this useful. 

i've made the document i/we used for planning the Mountain States BikeBike! in 2010 publicly viewable. it's a multi-page spreadsheet. it's become my go-to document for planning an event, class, or other involved project, especially ones that will be collaborative in nature.

as is usually the case with this template, some of the pages got more use than others, some were sort of abandoned mid-project (based on little or no use) and i've removed the data like personal contact info, names, etc, to protect privacy, but you should still be able to get an idea of how it works. feel free to share or use or improve this. i've not looked at it in at least two years. if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask. 

this was done well before we had an active social media presence. i'm positive that if i were updating this document, i would include a page for keeping track of things like facebook event creation, tweet schedule, and any other social advertising ideas. 


On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Clint Watson <clint@boisebicycleproject.org> wrote:
Hi all,

During Darrin's session (about making decisions in groups/bike!bike! organizational structure discussion) I volunteered to compile all of the extant material that has been used by and resulted from previous iterations of bike!bike! So, I'm putting out a call.

Have you aided in organizing a Bike!Bike! conference? Even if you aren't affiliated with the hosting organization, but helped from afar, I can use documentation of anything that helped you. Any and every document even slightly related is welcome, but specifically I'm sure most people would appreciate the following:

successful AND unsuccessful procedures for finding housing (what DIDN'T work might be educational.)
organizational methods for assigning housing
records regarding loaner bike cataloging, storage, and acquisition
web development timelines and records
printing costs
templates for program/welcome zines
food costs
large scale food preparation info
Overall program guidelines
Anything else you think others would be interested to know.

I'm also working with Josh Bisker to get the zinezine.bikebike.org site fully functional. I'll compile all this stuff and put it up on the website (and post here) as soon as I'm able--depending of course on when I receive it.

Please send directly to me clint@boisebicycleproject.org

Thanks everybody,
Clint Watson
Volunteer/Programs Coordinator
Boise Bicycle Project
1027 Lusk St


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