Hi all,
I am getting a little ahead of myself here, but in early september I was in the Foro Mundial de la Bicicleta held in Brasilia. It's the latin-american Bike!Bike! of sorts, it differs in that on top of the social movement/bike community project stuff it also has some of the official public policy component not so present in Bike! Bike!.
Anyways, Montreal was chosen as the 2025 city to host it.
I will have a meeting with the coordinating team soon, with among other things, seeing how likely and willing they would be to get the Bike!Bike! Community onboard and use it as an opportunity to relaunch the in-person.
I wanted to check-in with them (FMB MTL coordinating team) first, and after that checking in with Ange and the people currently behind Bike!Bike! Everywhere and take it from there.
But there might be a chance of using FMB to restart Bike!Bike! in 2025.
I'll keep you posted :)
On Mon, 23 Sept 2024, 14:12 cyclista--- via TheThinkTank, < thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org> wrote:
[TheThinkTank] Re: Next Bike!Bike! ? – Hi All, This is the last thread (RE: Next Bike!Bike! ?) I could find about
a Bike!Bike! In 2024. It seems like there won't be one this year from what I could find but we (being a small collective in Whitehorse, YT) are curious if there there is potential for one in 2025 (in Mtl or
and if so, how we can support? We are trying to get the ball rolling on our collective here and would love to send someone to learn from the
Thanks, Rosy [...]
Hey Rosy, I noticed this message very late but just wanted to mention that you could take it upon yourself to organize a *regional* BikeBike!.
You'd need to network with whatever nearest community/collective shops are nearest you to get the critical mass necessary, and set up the schedule and publicize it here and elsewhere and all that.
Regional BikeBike! are great and [slightly] less work to create. They used to happen a lot more often. _______________________________________________ TheThinkTank mailing list -- thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org To unsubscribe send an email to thethinktank-leave@lists.bikecollectives.org To view this discussion on the web visit https://lists.bikecollectives.org/hyperkitty/list/thethinktank@lists.bikecol...