looking real good
a gentle nudge to pre-register for BBNE if you intend to come, and some info about the Sanctuary party with live music from Rupa & The April Fishes.
Bike!Bike! Northeast
SEPTEMBER 29, 2012
10am - 10 pm
3280 6th Avenue in North Troy
On Saturday September 29th, there will be a gathering of bicycle activists, organizers, and enthusiasts in Troy. Bike!Bike! Northeast is a day of discussions, skillsharing sessions, and bicycle fun including locals and guests from as far as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Vermont, and Eastern Canada. There will be a *group ride*, *community meals* and *live music* from Rupa and the April Fishes in the evening at The Sanctuary for Independent Media. Meet others interested in building bicycle culture and learn about bicycle maintenance, wheel truing, trash-hacking, yoga for biking, diy bike-welding, and much more.... or YOU propose a workshop!
(please sign up in advance if at all possible)
Bike!Bike! Northeast includes
a night of live music featuring:
Rupa and the April Fishes
8pm at The Sanctuary for Independent Media
3361 6th Avenue in North Troy
“...musical languages converge from around the world; from punk to indie rock, from reggae to raga to rockabolly, chanson to cumbia, from Malian guitar patterns to mournful duduk melodies. In other times and places musical traditions have met to forge a sound that is more insistence than resistance; this band, this album, belong to that long tradition of rebel music.” -www.theaprilfishes.com
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andrew lynn 518-573-7947
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