The Ohio City Bicycle co-op intends to submit a proposal for this grant: OCBC developed the bare bones of a membership database/volunteer shop credit "clock-program" several years ago (our shop manual, which is part of that, was the origin of the bikecollectives.org version). We have been using this program since then, but never really finished the many features originally planned (like bike inventory, tracking volunteers' task-check-out using instructions from that manual, and automating email updates for members).
The original intent was to make this program available to other co-ops when it was sufficiently developed to share as a turn key program, or even as open-source code -- we would really like it if winning this grant would make it possible to do that now.
We would like to learn of other co-op's needs and resources/ideas that would make for a stronger application.
Please reply off-list if you have anything to share that is of use; or reply to the list if you feel that would be beneficial to all.
Thanks! Jim
Jim Sheehan Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op 1840 Columbus Rd Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216 830 2667 OhioCityCycles.org
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:19 AM, Vincenzo loco wormsign@gmail.com wrote:
the folks at the SF Kitchen did a nice presentation of their system at last year's Bici Bici in Davis. I consider it best for fledgling collectives still figuring out their organization. The LA kitchen turned us on to Merchant OS, while it isn't open source it's web based and written specifically for bike shops. It doesn't do everything for us but they are super friendly to non-profits and helped us get started. the other co-op I volunteer with also recently picked it up. Enzo Loconte Board Secretary Bikerowave
On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Angelo Coletta < summitcyclingcenter@yahoo.com> wrote:
Sounds like something that we could use here at the Summit Cycling Center! We are in Akron, Ohio. Angelo
*From:* momoko saunders momoko@securecellardoor.com.au *To:* The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org *Sent:* Monday, March 12, 2012 4:58 PM
*Subject:* [TheThinkTank] Any one in Ohio need a software grant?
I have a dream of attaining a software that is specifically designed for bike collectives. A software building company in Ohio has a grant for 100,000 of software design to a non-profit. http://edgecase.com/nonprofit
If any Ohio bike collective wants to work on this, I'd be very interested in helping. -Momoko
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