19 Sep
19 Sep
1:36 p.m.
This is a good discussion, let's add some of it to this...
Jonathan Morrison
Project Coordinator
Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective
2312 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
w: 801-328-2453
c: 801-688-0183
f: 801-466-3856
On 9/18/07, Kyle McKinley cariadkyle@hotmail.com wrote:
> hi y'all-
> I don't think that Paul's secondary question about volunteers/patrons
> fixing bikes and selling them outside of the co-op/project (ie on
> Craigslist) was addressed, and I think is a good question for us to ask
> ourselves.
> Clearly, many of our shops have a sturcture through which staff/volunteers
> (maybe even trained patrons?) can fix a bike in the shop, sell it to a
> patron who isn't interested in doing the work zerself, and split the money
> with the shop in some equally agreeable manner. (I think the BICAS process
> was already sketched out, Bike Church Santa Cruz deducts the wholesale of
> new parts from the top, and splits the rest 50/50-- this does encourage some
> 'cherrypicking' as Jessica of Freeride points out, and so a bike must be for
> sale 'as-is' for one month before a mechanic can take it on as a floor-bike
> project--does that make any sense).
> But how do different projects deal with patrons who use the shop as a
> venue to fix up bikes and sell them on the street/at flea markets/ on the
> web? What about patrons who are primarily interested in 'gleaning' parts
> (digging through the parts everyday, buying the best ones and leaving)? What
> do you do if a patron brings a different bike in every week, possibly using
> your project as a chop shop for stolen bikes?
> Bike Church Santa Cruz tries to take serial numbers of bike as a deterant
> for this last problem, and I believe that Bike Kitchen LA says you can't buy
> a part unless you need it for the bike you have with you (which I don't
> completely understand--if the bike is busted, how do you get it across town
> to buy the parts?). Do other groups have other ideas on this?
> On a final note, I want to clarify that I am not necessarily opposed to
> patrons using the shop as a space to fix bikes to sell; because of the glut
> of cheap new bikes on the market, I think we all understand how difficult it
> would be to sell the bike for enough money to pay oneself a resonable wage,
> and I admire the resourcefulness of people who get by outside of formal
> employment. But I don't like the idea of our shops/ our generosity being
> taken advantage of, and less still the idea that people steal bikes, fix the
> damage they have done with our tools, and then sell them on the street. I
> don't believe in private property, but bike theft (much like the Magna full
> suspension 'mountain bike') is a crime against the bicycle, and thus a crime
> against humanity.
> yours,
> in long wind and long rides,
> kyle
> ------------------------------
> From: *freeridemp@riseup.net*
> Reply-To: *The Think Tank thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org*
> To: *"The Think Tank" thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org*
> Subject: *Re: [TheThinkTank] selling bikes, making bikes for yourself?*
> Date: *Thu, 13 Sep 2007 17:30:21 -0700 (PDT)*
> >
> >Hey Paul (and Think Tank),
> >Sounds just like what we have been doing here in Montpelier. We haven't
> >had to worry about internet sales yet. Our sales also account for half or
> >more of our income, and we sell whatever our volunteers care to fix up. I
> >believe that any sales of goods are subject to sales tax in any state
> >(they are in VT), and you didn't mention it, so I figured I would,
> because
> >tax evasion, while arguably awesome, is also potentially catastrophic.
> >Colin Gunn
> >Freeride Montpelier
> >www.freeridemontpelier.org
> >freeridemp@riseup.net
> >
> >P.S. Paul, I looked at your picture website, and we went to college
> together!
> >
> >P.P.S. Everyone, I don't think anyone made it to BikeBike with info about
> >our shop, but I am really glad we made it onto this email list. If you
> are
> >ever around central VT, please drop by!
> >
> >P.P.P.S Yes, I think we stole the name from Pittsburgh, but I don't know
> >how. Thanks Free Ride!
> >
> >
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > At the Mount Rainier Bike Coop in Mount Rainier, Maryland, a suburb of
> > > Washington, DC, we are working how to sell our bikes that we
> refurbish.
> > > We
> > > really don't have any fixed or regular costs; the city gives us the
> space
> > > (a
> > > garage), so we just use our money on spare parts and tools. We have
> an
> > > earn-a-bike program so youth can build up bikes for us, learning
> mechanic
> > > skills, and then after fifteen hours of voluteering, the youths can
> build
> > > a
> > > bike for themselves. Volunteers who have already put in 15 hours of
> work
> > > can basically just keep refurbishing bikes. No one gets paid anything
> at
> > > this point. Generally, at this point, we just sell our refurbished
> bikes
> > > in
> > > one way or another. Do other shops do this? Also, presumably,
> volunteers
> > > could, after working fifteen hours, refurbish bikes for themselves,
> and
> > > then
> > > sell them on craigslist or something. Do other coops have a policy
> with
> > > regards to refurbishing bikes for yourself, one after the other, and
> then
> > > selling them for your own profit? Or perhaps a system where you
> refurbish
> > > a
> > > bike and then you have to give a certain percentage of the sale to the
> > > coop?
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > PJ Park
> > > http://www.biketobrazil.blogspot.com
> > > http://www.imagestation.com/members/pjpark
> > > http://picasaweb.google.com/PaulJosephPark
> >
> >
> >
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> >Thethinktank mailing list
> >Thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
> >
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