We charge for our Shop Classes, which are open to the public/individuals, more info here:

...and we also charge for groups who hire us - those programs are usually customized for the partner organization and typically are for kids programming. Our base rate for private groups is *$100/hour* for most all of our programming, be it school presentations or what we call "Fixathons". There's some more info here under "For Organizations": 

Most commonly these are programs that are organized with another organization such as what we call CDCs (Community Development Org) around here, schools, neighborhood groups, and sometimes corporate entities for things like teambuilding exercises. We don't explicitly promote our pricing as sliding scale, but we are sometimes flexible for organizations that we value as partners who may not be able to pay the full standard rate, sometimes by having the org's staff or volunteers spend some time volunteering for us. These sorts of programs comprised brought in about $15k for us last year, factoring in that we comp'd about $3500 worth of fees for orgs who couldn't pay our full rate. This is about 10% of our gross income, though these programs take a lot of time to organize and I'd like to see us streamline and standardize our programs more to make them easier to promote, easier to organize, easier to train volunteers for, more profitable, and to give us the capacity to do more of them!

Hope this helps! 

Joshua Goran
Administrator, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op

1840 Columbus Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216 830 2667