4 Feb
4 Feb
9:11 p.m.
Sad news indeed. I never met him, but he helped me set up my first single speed via phone calls and email. The bike community has lost one of the great ones.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
----- Original Message ----- From: community-bounces@slcbikecollective.org community-bounces@slcbikecollective.org To: The Think Tank thethinktank@bikecollectives.org; SLC Bicycle Collective community@slcbikecollective.org; SLC Critical Mass community@slccriticalmass.org Sent: Mon Feb 04 13:17:03 2008 Subject: [SLC Bike Collective] Sheldon Brown passed away...
Jonathan Morrison
Executive Director
Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective
2312 S. West Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84115
w: 801-328-2453
c: 801-688-0183
f: 801-466-3856
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