Neighborhood Bike Works is hiring a Summer Camp Director for the 2010 Summer Camp, located at 3916 Locust Walk, Philadelphia PA 19104. The full job description is available at: neighborhoodbikeworks.org/NBWCampDirectorJobDescription.pdf http://neighborhoodbikeworks.org/NBWCampDirectorJobDescription.pdf . Qualified applicants should send resume and cover letter to andy@neighborhoodbikeworks.org or Andy Dyson, Executive Director, Neighborhood Bike Works, 3916 Locust Walk Philadelphia PA 19104.
We encourage you to forward this notice to anyone who might be interested, but please do not repost it publicly.
Neighborhood Bike Works 3916 Locust Walk Philadelphia, PA 19104 215.386.0316 www.neighborhoodbikeworks.org
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