Thanks for the support being expressed bike pals.
One of you reminded me that I need to share our online resources so folks can stay tuned for updates as we move forward.
Our facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bikepirates/ Twitter: @bikepirates and our website is: bikepirates.com
With luck we will be launching our Indiegogo campaign mid-November. We are still on the hunt for a new space, so please think positive thoughts for us!
ainsley + bike pirates.
On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 1:22 AM, Jesse Cooper jessecooper0@gmail.com wrote:
Yeah! Good luck and good hunting ! Hopefully a rad space is available for all your needs! Our Community Bikes (P.E.D.A.L.) would help any way we can once your campaign starts the callout.
jesse cooper oF OCB
On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 4:40 PM, Ainsley Naylor <needleandthread@gmail.com
Friends and allies,
Bike Pirates would like to announce that we are currently in search of a new home for 2015! We are excited to start a new chapter and to have you all along for the exciting years ahead. Our hope is to be settling into a new, bigger and better space in January which should have the least impact on our operations.
But we need your help! We will need hands to help sort, pack and move out of our home on Bloor Street. We will also need lots of help and skilled individuals to help build and set up our new home.
To cover the predicted costs of moving and renovating and lost income during this transition period we will be launching a fundraising campaign in the next few weeks.
Please stay tuned for details on this campaign, as well as callouts for support and “hands on deck” as we sail into the future.
*Check our website, facebook and twitter feeds to keep up to date*.
Thanks for all of your support, we couldn't do this without you!
Bike Pirates.
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