Hey Godwin,
We face similar concerns at MoBo, but rarely suffer complete breakdowns. My advice is to try to stop the negative momentum and look broadly at your communication structures as they are. Mapping is a good exercise to visualize it. Next, I recommend starting at shop level. At MoBo we've been trying to root everything in our shop space, so that all important info is posted there clearly and accessibly. We try to regularly update our website and Facebook page in a similar fashion, so that everyone knows that at least those three places have important info.
Obviously, conversation/discussion-based communication can't simply be posted, so we do use e-mail quite a bit. However, we mostly utilize our organization-wide list for big announcements/newsletter stuff, and only typically send out a handful of e-mails a month at most (using Contact Contact). We also have a volunteer list, which is utilized less frequently. (We're trying to get everyone to volunteer, so most of what is sent out goes to everyone). Finally, the board/core volunteers discuss things much more frequently with specific e-mail threads.
As I said, this works pretty well, though of course things do fall through the cracks. My impression, however, is that it's probably better to have fewer avenues of communication and try to expand than to have too many and try to mitigate confusion. Hope that helped.
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 2:45 PM, Godwin! goodgodwin@hotmail.com wrote:
Hey folks, since the recent breakdown at our shop the issue of how to communicate with volunteers and members has come up as major issue. I'm just wondering if any of you have found what you consider to be an efficient means of notifying members and sarting discussions with volunteers.
In the past we used three email list serves, one for all members, one for volunteers, and another just for organizing members. We have found these lists difficult to keep up to date as we seem to have a constant flow of volunteers and members. We have also found that many people get annoyed when discussions happen over email and often stop reading what could be important notices.
Recently some volunteers started more lists for sub-committees (such as mechanics only) and then started using facebook and the online forum on our website and this has resulted in a complete breakdown of communication, sometimes many people are not included, often many of us get several emails about the same thing. Using methods like forums and facebook are great becuase anyone can read and join in and people don't get annoyed with emails, but at the same time people are likely to stop checking and reading if they don't get reminders.
One possible solution brought to the floor was to combine the use of email and forum discussions, such that notices are sent over email and if a discussion should happen, a notice is given over email and a link to the forum discussion. Do any of you have any more ideas that we might be able to use to get us back on track?
Thanks!! .godwin
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