Ours is $60.00 US/mo
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----- Reply message ----- From: "Geoff Heath" mech@thewrench.ca To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] Thethinktank Digest, Vol 78, Issue 14 Date: Fri, Feb 22, 2013 14:38 hey folx I'm wondering how much $$$ other non-profit shops (particularly Canadian ones) pay for general liability and Board of Dir. insurance. All the quotes I've gotten thus far seem unreasonably high for our lil operation. We don't do any organized riding on the street with youth, nor do we have any employees so I'd assumed it would be affordable. Is there such a thing as an altruistic insurance provider?
Any advice or resources would be appreciated. Cheers Geoff @ The Bike Dump in Winnipeg --