It's time to let them know that the Community bike Project IS the new local bike shop model!  As a whole, we must be a lot of their business.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 11:08 AM, Leslie Peteya <> wrote:
Hi all,
Wanted to warn y'all of dealing with QBP.

After 7 years of having a dealer agreement with QBP for your basic small potatoes shop stuff,
we decided to shut down our account with them over their new inability to ship to a new ship-to location.  I succinctly explained the nature of our shop (volunteer, limited shop hours, etc.) and
necessity of shipping to a different location, but it fell on deaf ears.

Damn shame, because they said we were an excellent account with good financial management.

I also wasn't pleased that they said they denied other new co-ops an account based on similar issues.

This comes after their corporate policy of tightening up on third party suppliers, designed to keep the local bike shop in business. Ironically, we're still around after multiple for-profit local bike shops in our area have failed, and as a local community bike shop, we're now being hurt by the very policy designed to protect LBSs.

We still have an account with United Bicycle Supply, and I'm exploring new accounts with Cyclone and Seattle Bike Supply.

Can anyone recommend other suppliers that support our shops with community missions?

Durham Bike Co-op


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Joshua Muir

Frances Cycles
Handbuilt cycling framesets
Touring, Track, Road,Cross, and Cargo
203 Cedar St  Santa Cruz, CA  (831) 469-3369

The Bicycle Church Collective 
Community Self-Service Cycle Repair
3pm to 7pm everyday except Sunday
703 Pacific Ave  (enter on Spruce St)
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 425-2453