Good afternoon Bike!Bike! community,

The Recyclery Collective is hiring a part-time Bookkeeper and Administrative Coordinator. We are looking for a passionate candidate to keep our financial books and perform other administrative tasks in an empowering, collaborative community bike shop. Please see the attached job description for more details.

The Recyclery Collective is a non-profit educational bike shop located in the Rogers Park neighborhood in Chicago. Our many dedicated volunteers (and small staff) promote sustainability by giving access to tools, skills, and opportunities for collaboration.

Take care,
Matthew Ford
Interim Bookkeeper and Admin Coordinator

The Recyclery Collective
7628 N. Paulina St. ▪ Chicago, IL 60626 ▪ 773.262.5900
The Recyclery is an educational bike shop that promotes sustainability by giving access to tools, skills, and opportunities for collaboration.

Donate or Volunteer!

Program Hours:
Bike Sales
• Saturday10am-noon
• Wednesday: 6pm-8pm
Open Shop & Browsing Hours
• Tuesday7pm-9pm
• Thursday7pm-9pm
• Saturday1pm-5pm
Youth Open Shop
• Monday4pm-6pm
Volunteer Hours & Browsing Hours
• Tuesdaynoon-5pm
• Wednesday: 6pm-8pm
• Friday5pm-8pm
Volunteer Orientation
• 2nd and 4th Thursdays: 6pm-7pm
W.T.F. (Women | Trans | Femme) Night
• 4th Sundays: 6pm-9pm
Social Fridays
• Last Fridays: 6pm-9pm

Spanish Open Shop (on hiatus, hosts needed!)
• 1st Mondays: 7pm-9pm