Hola Raquel. Please forgive me for replying in English, although I can read and understand Spanish, which I learned at home and not at school, I hope we can still communicate. First, please tell me where are you located. When you wrote Nuevo Leon, it looks to me like it could be in Spain. I live in Heidelberg, Germany and I am a bicyle mechanic and sell used bikes to the university students at a very low price because I am not interested in making a lot of money as this is a hobby for me. I also belong to an organization that sends bicycles and wheel chairs to Africa. I used to have a bicycle shop that I named 'Pedalero', but I closed it because I was traveling too much and could not do it on a regular basis. If you are ever around Germany, please come by and visit me. Hope to hear from you again. Gilberto Rodriguez - Pedalero Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 12:53:24 -0500 From: bici.uanl@gmail.com To: thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.orgSubject: [TheThinkTank] TigreBici
¡Hola a todos! Solo queremos presentarnos ya que por fin hemos decidido suscribirnos a esta herramienta que nos parece maravillosa.Somos TigreBici una plataforma universitaria que busca la inclusión de métodos alternos de transporte dentro de los diferentes campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) y eventualmente queremos contar con nuestro taller comunitario ciclista donde no solo la comunidad universitaria, si no la comunidad en general tenga un espacio para aprender a arreglar si bici, la pueda arreglar y se pueda crear comunidad, universitaria como en general, alrededor de la bici. Aún estamos digiriendo toda la información que encontramos en la página, que por cierto es muy buena, y una vez que se discuta si tenemos dudas estaremos poniendo en contacto con ustedes. Quedamos a sus ordenes para cualquier duda, comentario o lo que sea.Un gusto saludarlos y a seguir pedaleando!Raquel Treviño-TigreBici.
Hi everyone, we just want to introduce ourselves to this amazing tool we just suscribe to. We are TigreBici a university platafform that looks to implement alternative transportation methods inside all campuses of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) and hopefully a community bicycle workshop that allows every student and people in general to learn how to fix a bike, fix it and create community around the university and general public using the bicycle. We are still digesting all the information available on te page and once we have read and discuss all the new information we have if we have questions we will emailing you again. If you have questions, comments or anything we are at your service.A pleasure to greet you all and keep pedaling!Raquel Treviño-TigreBici
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