Community Cycles is expanding into a larger space, not to be confused with "enough" space, our main shop area will now be about 1,000sqft. As we reconfigure the shop we're trying to determine what kind of work benches to go with. Right now we have one main 8 ft bench with a pegboard where the common every day tools are kept, screw drivers, allen keys, box wrenches... This bench also has a vice and stores crates of parts below. We keep other specialty tools like crown race pullers and the like out of the mix and require them to be checked out.
We've seen quite a few shops who have smaller benches with a set of dedicated tools at each, Salt Lake, Fort Collins, Bike Kitchen San Fran... We've also seen places like Free Ride in Pittsburgh that have one super long bench with dedicated sections.
I can see the benefits of both set ups. At the same time I realize the
configuration of a building often dictates how you set up the shop.
We've got a 24ft wall where we can put the bench(s) in the new shop.
I envision each work station requiring 6 X 10ft which would allow four stations in the space. The individual benches would be 2.5ft wide and 3-4ft long. A long bench would have pegboard the whole way and each work station could be marked by colors or something. Small individual benches can be moved for special events or large bike donations whereas the long bench is somewhat permanent. I see the long bench as a way to maximize the storage space.
What do you guys think? Is there a perfect work bench for a bike coop with a little bit of space?
Ride On!