11 Sep
11 Sep
4:33 p.m.
yeah, i'd like to help out with design. if i can set aside a couple days sometime soon and force myself to sit in front of a computer, then i could definitely get started. i would need some basic content (like what is already on bikecollectiveS.org) and the site structure (site map anyone?).
and if anyone else is interested in design, holla back.
nico. n@okcancel.org // 773.504.4902 //
-------Original Message------- From: Sopo Bike Co-op sopo@sopobikes.org Subject: that bike website Sent: 10 Sep '06 21:07
hi nic,
so do you still want to do the design for the website? are you able to make a general layout before you hit the road?
let us know when you're coming through atlanta again.