Hi Ainsley,
getDowntown in Ann Arbor, MI shared these tips, one from NOAA and one from a trio of groups in the Washington DC area.
https://www.getdowntown.org/about-getdowntown/blog/polar-vortex-preparation [image: image.png]
[image: image.png]
Hope this helps! Andrew
On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 3:04 PM Ainsley Naylor needleandthread@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all! Many of us in the Northern Hemisphere are getting geared up for Winter and have winter-riding workshops planned for our communities.
I’ve had difficulty finding any examples of useful HANDOUTS (pamphlets, zines, etc.) that have been created for the participants of these workshops. Because winter riding can be affected by personal needs and preferences I’ve found it hard to create a handout that isn’t focussed on *one person’s idea of the best way to do it*. If you’ve got one please share it (and consider adding it to the Wiki somewhere?) so other folks can use it for inspiration :)
Thanks! Ainsley (Toronto) ____________________________________
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