Being white gives us privileges that might make it easier to
'donate' a lot of time to a project you love. Nice racist
Other communities donate time to things they cherish. All races
and earning levels donate time to the religious practice of their
choice. That is universal. Bikes, sadly, are not cherished universally by all
Owning a house is focused more in some communities and the car is just a
tool to get to work. Owning a fancier car has a greater focus in some
communities and owning property is less of a focus. Of course this is a
generalization and there are always exceptions.
In either rich or poor a community where there is more focus
on the car as a status symbol; the bike is less likely to be
Cherished. How many Yuppies or true upper crust volunteers do you have? Any
Trumps?, Hiltons?, Pritzkers? They all have the money to stop working and
volunteer at your bike program. But sadly they do not cherish the bicycle.
So for a communities that do not cherish the bicycle, you need to invite
the local community members into you bike shop if you want diversity. The bike
program should offer adult training and have OBIOUS ways for the adults to
volunteer to work on bikes, teach youth, sell bikes, teach other adults,
work on inventory, work on web sites, spread the message to the community, help
with business contacts, help with volunteers and what ever you need to be
I have had special classes for women taught by women that liked my classes.
Not all women want the first classes to be with men. They what to
do it "on there own" and want to have a like minded teacher, not a person who
does a project for them. They want self sufficiency and to feel supported. We
need to support the needs of a diverse community, if we want them to come and be
part of our shops.
If they do not love the bike now, you will have to teach them LOVE OF DA
BIKE! and give them oppertunity.