China may be weird about bikes in general. I had a friend who lived in a smaller city in Fujian province for to years, and they lived in an enormous apartment building with a very large area for bike parking in the courtyard. They said there were around a hundred bikes there obviously long since abandoned and rotting, but it was very taboo to remove them - you would get into serious trouble, even though the owners had long since moved away.
Those pictures in the Atlantic turned my stomach. Staggeringly sad. If they have some huge capacity for metal recycling that will eventually take care of that surplus, but if so how long do they wait to melt them down? They could put a medium-sized country on bicycles with just the quantity shown in those pictures.
Thanks for the heads up about this problem, Eric. We're getting a new bikeshare in our town in a couple of months, and maybe we can get ahead of contributing to this problem, at least.
cyclista Nicholas
On 2018-04-03 16:15, Gabriel Trainer wrote:
Those are frightening pictures! One or a few bikes are cool. Thousands of
bikes piled together are no better than a trash heap.
On Mon, Apr 2, 2018, 3:10 PM Clint Watson <>
*The mission of the Bicycle Collective is to promote cycling as anI had a meeting with the Director of SLC Greenbike last week regarding
this. It's a huge and growing problem for many cities in the US. Apparently
the business model for these operations is modeled after Uber or other tech
startups--don't worry about profits, just get investment money and dominate
the market/run other bike share companies out of business by offering the
service free of charge to cities.
The bikes average $200 each and because of that they are being used as a
disposable resource. They're being discarded, damaged, and vandalized at
staggering rates in places like Dallas. limebike-ofo/index.html
And Seattle is now starting to see similar problems.
I don't see it as a sustainable solution to transportation: if we're going
to start seeing entire landfills full of bikes (i.e. the photos from
China), that seems to undercut the argument that bikes are a more
sustainable solution than other transportation options. And the bigger
danger is that the companies offering this new model (Limebike, for
example) have no long term model. They've been operating at a loss since
inception and will continue to for the foreseeable future. If they replace
more sustainable models, then pull the plug because they lose their
investment funding, it will set the whole bike share movement back years.
As for just using the discarded bikes in your local co-op, I'm also
skeptical. If they're not being used by the bike share company, the
assumption is they're damaged. I can't say for certain whether it would be
cost effective to repair and repurpose a fleet of bikes that were barely
usable in the first place because I haven't had first hand experience with
them, but I'm skeptical.
Just my two cents
Clint Watson
Executive Director
Bicycle Collective
effective and sustainable form of transportation, recreation, and as a
cornerstone of a cleaner, healthier, and safer society. The Collective
provides refurbished bicycles and educational programs to the community,
focusing on children and lower income households.*
On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 1:40 PM, Katy Collet <>
Prenez note que je serai absente du 20 mars au 2 avril inclusivement. Pour
toute urgence veuillez contacter François Delwaide à
I'll be out of the office from March 20th to April 2nd included. In
case of emergency, please contact François Delwaide at
Estaré afuera de la oficina desde
marzo 20 hasta abril 2 inclusivo. En caso de urgencia, por favor escribir
François Delwaide
Coordonnatrice projets internationaux
Cyclo Nord-Sud
8717, 8e Avenue,
Montréal, QC H1Z 2X4
514 843-0077
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