7 May
7 May
5:25 p.m.
Yes sell the stuff! And sell it at market value. Use the money to make your shop better.
Rich Community Cycles
james blesdoe wrote:
You sell them as you see fit. Nonprofit means you can't enrich your self, but your organization is supposed to make a profit In this economy that is becoming easier all the time -at least at the Bicycle Kitchen that is the case.
roll on
*/Erik Stockmeier estockme@gmail.com/* wrote:
Question! What the heck does everybody's shop do with fancy items of special worth to collectors? For example... perhaps you come upon a donation of half a dozen 70s unused campi sidepull break sets. Your stock of breaks is full, so throwing them in the bin or selling them for 5$ or shlepping them on a Roadmaster seems like a waste. Is it ethically ok for a non-profit to occasionally indulge collectors as a source of surplus income? What about legally for a 501c3? Is it necessary to launder them through a "buyer" who sells them at profit and donates the difference? Erik _______________________________________________ Thethinktank mailing list Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org http://lists.bikecollectives.org/listinfo.cgi/thethinktank-bikecollectives.org
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Rich Points
Community Cycles Director