I'm not an eBay person but tried the links given FWIW Next to last one Errors...
I do however like tools 🛠️🔧🧰
A ParkTools video of what to take on a camping trip was amusing "What tools can I bring?" https://youtu.be/Y5l7-lQteh8
(To me, as somehow can Not pack light) Idk if there is a ToolMinimalist approach, maybe one needs to be created, or ToolOHolics/Hoarders/ Collectors Anonymous... Old Tim Taylor Home Improvement videos may do in a pinch. Y(M|Km)MV
I do like yard sales, disCounted, clearance etc so looking at what people were offering and what people consider(ed) useful also historical changes to tool design over time, across vendors/ manufacturers, etc
But shipping individual tools/ parts seems somehow AntiGreen and expensive. Maybe because tracking down packages I'm like the dog running/chasing trucks/cars...
Effective Cycling from MITPress had some interesting things about creating your own tools (iirc chain whip, stand etc) and riding partners among other things...
On Wed, May 5, 2021, 08:25 Matt VanSlyke matt@uticabikerescue.org wrote:
Hi Tara, This is awesome, congratulations! We are 2.5 hours (several more hours by bike) from you up here in Utica and can help with parts, tools, bikes....anything you need. Call me sometime. 315-525-9554.
Matt VanSlyke, Utica Bike Rescue
On Tue, May 4, 2021 at 9:41 PM Elmira Bikes elmirabikes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi y’all,
We’re starting up a community bike shop in Elmira, NY! My first of probably many questions is: does anyone have a master list of tools and/or supplies? I would love something to go off of as I compile everything.
Thanks! Tara ____________________________________
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