Hello Sarah, We scrapped out membership model about 7 years ago and went to a simple DIY fee of $5/hr (which includes a stand, tools, grease, oil and some advice from the head mechanic). Most people gladly pay the fee and often insist on over paying. We also allow volunteers to accumlate volunteer hours and exchange them for DIY hours (but not parts or bikes). If you would like more details just send us and email or drop by if you ever make it up to the "big city" :-) If you come by during Cycle Salvation hours just ask to talk to Paul or Matt as they volunteer with re-cycles in addition to working at Cycle Salvation.
Chris Wells (Email Handler & one of many Volunteer Head Mechanics)
re-Cycles Bicycle Co-op 473 Bronson Ave. Ottawa
Re-Cycles Summer Hours: noon-5pm Monday*, 6pm-10pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 1pm-5pm Saturdays* *Any DIY's on Mondays or Saturdays must be self sufficient
Bike sales and donation drop off also available during Cycle Salvation hours: 9am-5:30pm Tuesday to Friday and 9am-1pm Saturday (BUT NO Volunteering or DIY)
info@re-cycles.ca http://www.re-cycles.ca/
--- On Mon, 6/7/10, Sarah Follett (B!KE) questions@communitybikeshop.org wrote:
From: Sarah Follett (B!KE) questions@communitybikeshop.org Subject: [TheThinkTank] user fees/membership To: "The Think Tank" Thethinktank@bikecollectives.org Date: Monday, June 7, 2010, 9:43 AM
We at B!KE have been grappling with the question of how to structure payment for our drop-in shop hours. This is our main program and therefore our most consistent income generator. Currently we have a $20 annual membership fee, which is great because it's (reasonably) accessible for most, but less great because it's rather inadequate as far as covering our expenses (we have about 100+ new & renewed memberships each year- not going to cover the bills), and is probably too little to ask for from those who use the shop frequently or those in higher income brackets.
We've discussed two-tiered membership fees (regular and un/underemployed) or workstand rental time. It's really important to us that the use of the space is not out of reach to anyone, but we're also reluctant to have an overt volunteer-as-payment system because we don't yet have the infrastructure for that, and frankly, we do need the cash.
I was checking the google docs spreadsheet to see if it listed different organizations solutions to this, but I don't think this is up there yet. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?
Sarah Follett Director, B!KE: The Peterborough Community Bike Shop 400 Wolfe St Peterborough, Ontario (705) 748-6681 http://www.communitybikeshop.org
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