Hi everyone,
If you are getting this email, you either already are, or have reason to be interested in BikeBike Northeast in Troy, NY on April 23-25.
We plan to start doing some more planning and local strategizing soon, and just wanted to make sure you all were still on board. This will be a pretty big deal for us to pull off we want it to be good.
This email includes bike co-ops and projects from Worcester, Troy/Albany, Ithaca, Montpelier, Poughkeepsie, Providence, NYC, Lewiston ME, Pittsburgh, and Coatesville PA.... perhaps even more people will come on board as we get it together a little more. Locally, it will be billed as a pre bike-month bike-weekend with out of town guests, workshops, movies and more.
A QUICK DESCRIPTION OF HOPES FOR BIKEBIKE NE -an overdue meeting of the nor'easterly bicycle minds -discussion of best practices and sharing of experience -encouraging people to make it to the international bikebike in Toronto (we are organizing a rider there via the erie canal trail) -technical workshops - welding, trailers, tallbikes, ?? -some kind of fun bike race? -community meals -bike polo matches -bicycle movie nite and party
WHY APRIL 23-25? we picked this date because it is just before bike month (May), when bicycle activists are typically busy promoting and participating in events and we wanted to avoid unintentional double-booking.
WHERE most of bikebike NE will happen at The Sanctuary for Independent Media (http://mediasanctuary.org). some welding workshops and probably some music/partytime will happen at our shop in downtown Troy. Some kind of semi-organized ride will offer guests a two-wheeled tour of the region.
HOUSING once we have a better idea of the amount of out-of-town participation, we will begin to work that out. but you will be roofed - be it on a couch, guest bed, or crash space floor.
COST just like BikeBike Int'l., we will ask for a donation to cover food and conferencey supplies. the sliding scale amount is TBD, and we are not looking to turn people away.
YOU please spread the word of this event to your bikey networks & dont hesitate to email us your suggestions by selecting the subject: BikeBike NE Info at: http://troybikerescue.org/contact
ovr&out Troy Bike Rescue gang Troy/Albany, NY