I know this comes close on the heels of the Bike!Bike! conference, but please consider our 1st conference hosted by UC Davis, CA, this Nov. 1 -2:
http://www.bikes.msu.edu/ubikes/ http://www.bikes.msu.edu/ubikes/
You can also just join our listserv if you're unable to attend to connect with other campus bike programmers around N. America; we've got about 75 on our list at this point.
Hope the Bike!Bike! conference goes great; wish I could be there.
Tim Potter Coordinator MSU Bikes Service Center B10 Bessey Hall/ Michigan St. University Along the N. River Trail, 300 ft. west of Farm Ln. Bridge E. Lansing, MI 48824-1033
Ph: 517/432-3400 Fax: 517/432-2743 Email: mailto:bikes@msu.edu bikes@msu.edu Web: file:///C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\tbpotter\Application%20Data\Microsoft \Signatures\www.bikes.msu.edu www.bikes.msu.edu Home Dept: file:///C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\tbpotter\Application%20Data\Microsoft \Signatures\www.transportation.pp.msu.edu www.transportation.pp.msu.edu