20 Oct
20 Oct
2:05 p.m.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Mark H Hendricks mhendri961@gmail.com Date: Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 10:17 AM Subject: A Little Help Please! To: coordinator@fcbikecoop.org
Dear Friends:
It's time to start a cooperative here in The Quad Cities (border of Iowa and Illinois). Please tell me what I am up against and the pitfalls you might help me avoid. I am 52 and very experienced at helping businesses market and sell. I used to run the largest independent Raleigh distributorship (ancient days) and have over twenty years of winter cylecommuting experience. Any advice you might offer would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards
Mark H. Hendricks
1-309-762-3252 (direct)
Rafael Cletero
Project Coordinator
Fort Collins Bicycle Co-op
ph (970) 484 38 04