Hey guys, girls and other bicycle enthusiasts.
The people here at Troy Bike Rescue (Troy, NY (near Albany)) Have been itching for a Bike!Bike! in the Northeast. We are thinking of hosting one this coming September 28-30th.
If we host it, will they come ? --- that is the question. Do you rep a shop in the Northeast? Would YOU come? Our last B!B!NE was in April 2010, and it was a great success... Worcester, Ithaca, Montpelier, Burlington, Providence, Plattsburgh, and others were all in attendance.... New shops have popped up since then, and we have a new awesome space too, plus great partners to help host.
If you are interested in attending, please contact: dylan.thies@lostorienteerer.net You can learn more about us at: http://troybikerescue.org or you can contact one of us by phone at (518) EAT-4TBR (518-328-4827)
BBNE could include: Troy night out (monthly 'art crawl') Troy Critical Mass (not associated but you will see similar faces) film screenings live music Good Food! WORKZHOPZ!!! shirt printing. bike rides
Whaddya think?? we hope we are not stepping on any toes, but we haven't heard any peeps on the subject. We are sad not to be headed to Vancouver, but have a great time all!!!