We're (Cycles for Change in St. Paul, MN ---www.CyclesForChange.org) is starting a search for a comprehensive database for all of our programs and activities.  We want something that:
Tracks participants, donors and volunteers over all programs
(Earn-a-Bike, Community Partners Bike Libary, Learn-to-Ride, Open Shop, Youth Apprenticeship, Volunteer Night, Community Rides, Equity Council, Infrastructure Advocacy)

Automates event sign-up for classes and events

Manages multiple email newsletters

Tracks participation levels (e.g. how often someone comes to open shop or if they attended all 4 classes in a four week course)

Tracks all communications with all participants, volunteers and donors

Comprehensive demographic information

Customizable reports

Anyone with any suggestions?  We're looking at something that is on the web (we have three locations). We are looking for something that does not require a techie to manage.

Specifically, we've heard there is a community bike center that has created a bike center implementation of SalesForce 

thanks much

Sheldon Mains
Cycles for Change
Minneapolis, MN 612/618-7149
Three ways to donate to SPOKES:
1. Volunteer.  2. Donate repairable used bikes. 3. Financial donations always welcome. Check www.SpokesConnect.org for details.