Sorry, that was meant to be off-list.


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 14:40:18 -0600
Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Update on the Archives

Hi Jonathan, is already completely independent of Dreamhost, I host it on a VPN with digitalocean. My long term plan is to redevelop and move it to the same server so that they can easily share data. We have root access and I'd like to get mailman installed there along with postfix so that we will be able to allow users to read and post to the thinktank via email or the website.

However all of this is probably years away until I have the time to redevelop bikecollectives as a Rails site or get more help. If you have server administration experience and think you could help out here and there, I could definitely use some help (right now I'm struggling with setting up postfix and dovecot for example).

All that said, we still need to wait for Dreamhost to fix their issue first if we want our data back.


Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2015 15:14:25 -0400
Subject: Re: [TheThinkTank] Update on the Archives

Hi Michael,

I have administered mailman for a long time on the systems admin level.  In fact, for YBDB, I developed a node.js connector with multiple layers of security that automatically registers people on mailman when they create their contact if they choose to be on our mailing list.

Based on the link to the dreamhost thread, I think it is kind of silly for BikeBike to depend on a third party hosting service to provide such services.

I could provide a hosting instance with root access for BikeBike to which the list/archives/MX could be migrated.  I will not be able to get to this immediately because I am extremely busy this month with several volunteer commitments.  But lets talk, offlist, about how we can begin the migration process if that sounds like a good route to take.


On 04/07/2015 12:39 PM, Godwin ! wrote:
Just an update on what's going on with the archives. The archives are still down and there's no ETA on when they will be back up again. This is on our hosting provider and is effecting all of their mailman clients:

If I find anything else out I'll let everyone know,


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