Bike New York has an entire curriculum on this. I started an adult learn to bike program this very week and we used their curriculum and it was excellent. The Program Manager who started the program with Bike New York is no longer there, but very eager to help.
Rich Conroy | Education Director Phone: 212-870-2091 | Fax: 212-870-2099 bikenewyork.org
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 12:45 PM, sheldon mains sheldon@spokesconnect.orgwrote:
Just got a call (found our website) from someone looking for an organization in Grand Rapids Michigan that offers adult learn to ride classes-- Anyone have any suggestions? .............. Sheldon Mains SPOKES Bike Walk Connect Minneapolis, MN www.SpokesConnect.org www.fb.com/SpokesConnect
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