I have a Cateye Opticube that is waterproofed to 50m.  I never biked that far below water, but the light was once dropped from waist high, breaking the cheap plastic holding the waterproof magnetic switch in place.  So now I can only turn it on or off with a wave of a strong magnet; I have a small pile of now mostly useless bike lights.

That said, Bovine Oaks has convinced me to get even brighter lights.  At cost, they are still cheaper that a tank of gas and fewer people die.

Squeaky Clean

On Jan 17, 2008 12:22 PM, troy neiman < troyneiman@myself.com> wrote:

Bike lights that are supposedly built for "bike riding" are probably one of the most frustrating things about the industry,  i personally think they are all crap or overkill.