Thanks to everyone who had replied with useful input. I will definetly share my results with those who are interested, im sure we are going to be surprised by the results, because it is going to be the opinions that we do not hear in face-to-face conversations. Also, i expect to hear from those who do not come into the shop regularly and find out whats keeping them away (thank you facebook). here is the draft that is near completion if yer curious.
We had the same impulse a couple years ago, but did not follow through so I can't offer results, but here is our draft survey, attached. I hope it helps.
Jim Sheehan
Director, Ohio City Bicycle Co-op
1823 Columbus Rd
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
216 830 2667
OhioCityCycles.orgOn Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 3:34 PM, Anibal Davila <> wrote:
hey all,
to gain some insight into the universal problem of getting and keeping volunteers, im currently working on a survey. I suspect people hesitate to tell me in person that they think the place is dirty, the volunteers are rude and that i should shave more often, but people love giving that kind of input anonymously.
I want to find out the differences between regular clients and casual volunteers. I also want to find out what keeps casual volunteers from becoming regular volunteers.
I imagine disseminating it through all of our electronic outlets (list serve, facebook group, Flickr group) as well using printed out forms in the shop.
Has anyone done this before? i would love to see other peoples surveys/polls. Did you get useful data from it? problems in collection?
Anibal, Bikepirate
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