16 Dec
16 Dec
4:35 p.m.
I added a column to indicate if the shop has t-shirts to exchange. Matt
*Matt VanSlyke*
Executive Director
315.525.9554 | matt@uticabikerescue.orgwww.UticaBikeRescue.org
On Wed, Dec 16, 2020 at 3:48 PM Tigre Bici bici.uanl@gmail.com wrote:
> yeeeiii amazing
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 1:25 PM peter@BikeClarkCounty.org <
> peter@bikeclarkcounty.org> wrote:
>> Early pandemic I was thinking of starting up a shop-to-shop tee-shirt
>> exchange…I’m size Small. haha
>> On Dec 13, 2020, at 10:51 AM, Thomas Butler thomas.unavailable@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> yaaaay!! this is so great
>> Suggestion to add a column for receiving shops to tally where their cards
>> came from (so we can see who the big senders are?) I'm willing to do this
>> with permission.
>> thanks for organizing.
>> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 12:03 PM Andrew Yee andrew@bikex.org wrote:
>>> Fun idea Nik! Added.
>>> I have to remember how stamps work!
>>> On Sat, Dec 12, 2020, 5:46 PM Bike Church Santa Cruz <
>>> thebikechurch@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi friends!
>>>> We're doing a postcard/letter exchange because it'll be fun and cute.
>>>> All you need to do is put your community bike shop on the list or send
>>>> postcards to shops on the list, or both! (I'm gonna start sending cards in
>>>> a month or so once the list has grown a bit.) The idea is nothing more than
>>>> growing connections between fellow weirdos doing a similar thing. I mean,
>>>> we're doing something amazing, no? To thrive in opposition to capitalism is
>>>> no small task and I want us to support each other and know one another. I'm
>>>> sad to not have Bike!Bike! this year (I was really looking forward to
>>>> attending for the first time in Ciudad de Mexico of all places) and perhaps
>>>> it can serve to fill the gap a bit. Anyhow please feel free to add other
>>>> shops and then we can surprise them! If you have any suggestions or
>>>> questions about it email me at thebikechurch@gmail.com
>>>> Here's the link
>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bnhLT_mj5Ym6uBDGoCVFVz2bsixWbOtEama8...
>>>> In love and struggle,
>>>> Nik
>>>> The Bike Church
>>>> occupied Ohlone land
>>>> "Santa Cruz, CA"
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