hey sasha, (or anyone else interested in the same),
i'm currently involved in a group that's outside of our local shop (community cycles in boulder) that is working with the school district to get a curriculum together for just such a class. your needs are alittle more defined than ours are, as we'll be cold-selling this to PE teachers and others come spring. We do want to involve the teachers early in the planning process, though, so we can make sure that the class we come up with meets the benchmarks that the teachers are required to meet, which will help us sell the idea of a bike class in the first place.
we've found many of the safe routes to schools contacts in various places have different curricula that they use, often it's different from state to state, but most of them are into bikes as well, so are happy to share. some may charge you the cost of copying the curriculum and shipping, but most are worth having, especially if you're getting the curriculum together from scratch.
the BTA in portland has an amazing program, the newest version of which they just released. our team just got our hands on it a few weeks ago, and while i've not had a chance to put my greasy fingerprints on it yet, i'm told it's the gold standard of kids' bike class curricula. can't wait to see it.
on a somewhat related note, i'm somewhat torn. i feel like youth specific issues--bike class curricula, insurance/parent/school district issues, skill set stratification, age appropriate content, etc--almost deserve their own list serv, but i don't want to leave anyone out if they're potentially interested in such. i kind of wish there was a message board on the bcn site, so we could share this info in a way that's a little more dynamic than the wiki, but more permanent and searchable than the listserv...
the same could be said for other issues in the shop/orgs we all work with, but this one--the youth--is one i'm most involved with here, so it's close to my heart.
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 9:32 AM, dragonfly@mac.hush.com wrote:
Hi, Everyone.
This thread is great! Thank you for all the wonderful information.
I have a slightly different bike education challenge.
A lovely gym teacher at Assumption Catholic High School wants to work with me, and with some of my other bike dork friends, and with some of her collegues who teach other subjects, to develop a bike related curriculum for the school at large (and perhaps to be used at other kits)-- it will have:
-- a gym component -- a shop class bit (bike repair, maybe bike building) -- an art class section (both an art history section and
actual creative work with a bike theme-- art bikes, bike related art, etc.)
-- units for geography, history, science... -- and can you think of anything else that would be good? Does
anyone have ideas about things we should put in it?
I am reminded of the lovely "bicycle thinker" notion from
earlier e-mails-- is there a possible high school unit on bicycle thinkers waiting to be written? Has someone already written it?
If we can end up with an integrated bike-related curriculum
that fits with the government mandated curriculum, we are going to be pretty happy.
It will take us a while to develop this, but we have started
already. If anyone else is doing this or has done it, please get in touch.
I am so happy to be part of this community. thank you all for
doing such cool and needed work.
Thank you. Sasha
On Wed, 08 Oct 2008 01:37:22 -0400 John Gatlin johngatlin@gmail.com wrote:
Dave, I stand corrected. However, how do you get to that page from their
main site? Perhaps their reorganization of the website confused me. Anyway, it's an excellent resource that ought to be in any shop's files. Thanks
for finding it.
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:59 PM, Dave Bourgeois stdaveb@gmail.com wrote:
Bikes Not Bombs is still posting the manual here:
Note this just above the download links:
"We make our training manual available for people wanting to run
bicycle programs in other places. This is the mechanics manual
we use
to train the volunteers who will become assistant teachers in Earn-A-Bike."
I'm guessing BNB won't get upset if we use their copyrighted
manual to
teach adults as well as youth.
Dave Bourgeois Bici Centro Santa Barbara, CA http://www.bicicentro.org/
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 8:50 PM, John Gatlin
johngatlin@gmail.com wrote:
Hey all,
Along the line of instructor sheets, I was able to obtain a
copy of Bike
Bombs' Instructor Training Manual before they took it off the
the one they use in their Instructor Training Course. It is 13
in .pdf, and very well put together with clear language (the
copy I have
in english) and nice drawings. However, I'm not sure I feel
handing it out since they have stopped sharing it. Is a
Bike Not Bombs on this list? If so, would your organization
if I submitted this to the wiki? If not, what do y'all think?
In the
interest of collaboration and team spirit I'd love to share
it, but I
definitely didn't develop this manual and it has a copyright
clearly on
So, BNB, are you out there? Lemme know.
Drew @ Back In The Saddle 512.573.0408
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Ryan Guzy ryanguzy@gmail.com
We just started an advanced maintenance class at Bike
Saviours in Tempe,
AZ. We're targeting people who are potential volunteers. The
goal is to
the general principles so that they can work on any bike they
and also so that they can begin to teach others. The class
will get them
exposed to all of the maintenance aspects, and we envision
them working
assistant mechanics during our shop hours to gain experience
after the
session is over. We wrote some instructor sheets over the past few months and
have been
teaching off of them. Right now I have them on Google Docs
and I plan on
putting them on the Wiki. I'd like to gather material and
make handouts
go with each class too. Right now we're just using the same
sheet as a
handout even though it is kind of dense. I have also been talking to Christine at Bici Centro about
working on
a curriculum together. She is working on some good material
for a basic
class. I've also seen other material out there that has good
are free to use. I think if we can gather interested people to collaborate
online we can
put out some really good material that we can all use. --Ryan
On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 3:24 PM, Boson Au boson.au@gmail.com
Hi everyone, Boson from Baltimore, MD's Velocipede Bike
First of all, @ bike!bike! the education-related workshops
were the one
that inspired/interested me the most. We got back and the
first thing
want to kick-start was our clinic program which had be
suspended due to
multitude of reasons... anyways...
so we're about to reinstate our bike clinic series
(previously we had
person do ALL the teaching and she's about to leave out of
town for 3
so we've decided that we're going to try to have a group of
classes) and I'm interested in any organizations that hold
classes... This isn't exactly a youth program but more like
a general
public thing. We do have a curriculum, but I'm kind of
interested in
project's solutions. If any project has their own
curriculum set up
want to trade/compare notes that'd be so awesome.
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