We've cleaned ours at least once, but I'm not personally sure it's worth while. At the bike dump, rags get used until they are so full of grease they can't even be used to clean a chain. At that point they tend to head towards the garbage. We're not going for zero environmental impact, just minimal. IMO, the energy and detergent used by washing rags is worse than putting some reused cloth and possibly biodegradable grease into a landfill.
Rags are in endless supply and an easy donation to get.
Graham from the bike-dump
Jonathan Morrison wrote:
This is a 'which is worse' question...
Do you clean your dirty shop rags, or bring them to the local hazardous waste facility just like old paint, oil, gasoline, etc.,...?
Our shop rags are actually cut up t-shirts that were extra from a cycling event over a decade ago -- so we have plenty and they cost us nothing. But once they are dirty, they not only produce a fire hazard but a cleaning / disposal issue.
The chemicals required to effectively clean rags aren't good for the water supply / sewers -- since we all live down stream. At the same time throwing something away (even properly) after one use seems like a waste too.
What does everyone else do?