The only suggestion I could suggest would be to promote accountability "partners" (or "triads" or other multiple configurations). The idea being that there is more than one person accountable for a given task. Accountability partners can support one another at their given task and that way there is no last minute emergency - the partner would (theoretically) "know" who was to accomplish what.

Just an idea.

However, if you're like my space and don't have quite the manpower to go double, then idk!

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Angel York <> wrote:
Sometimes the fact that we're an all-volunteer bike shop means that there's no incentive for people not to wait 'til the last minute to realize that they're going to be late for a shift or flake entirely. 

The only fix I can think of is social cohesion.  positive feedback and respect from other volunteers for being awesome when you are and such.  but that doesn't seem to stop people from flaking.

What positive methods have y'all found that do work?

Angel York

Speaking of positive feedback:  Darin, Jason, Jonathan, Robbie, Sarah:  I know you're on this listserv. YOU'RE AWESOME.  thanks for keepin' our lil' shop a-runnin'.  And thanks to all y'all think tankers for making other places awesome, too.

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