Some folks associated with MoBo Bike Co-op in Cincinnati are trying to put together bicycle advocacy resources into a sort of advocacy toolbox. Our goal is to produce something that could be used to equip or incite community members to do advocacy work/build community around bikes.
I'm curious if any shops out there like ours have produced anything like this, and could share advocacy resources/ideas they have used. Those of you who do advocacy work of any kind: what resources/documents/actions do you use? Are community projects, specifically co-ops, producing anything of their own or simply borrowing resources from traditional advocacy organizations/clubs?
In the spring we'd like to begin doing some off-site advocacy "workshops"- essentially group events with cyclists and community members who aren't currently connected with our shop community in which we'd provide resources and/or trainings on topics like 'how to organize group rides', 'advocating for better bike laws and planning in your community', 'encouraging new riders', etc.
Any resources, ideas, tips you could pass along would be well-appreciated! Thanks.
Dugan Meyer MoBo Bike Co-op, Cincinnati