Hello Ainsley, Here's the link of our bicycle project in Buenos Aires, Argentina, We participated in a 2018 Bike!Bike! regards
JP 🚲
El 1 mar. 2019, a la(s) 18:32, David Oliver nowhere3@gmail.com escribió:
https://www.facebook.com/suipacha/ is the one that a person was from at a previous Bike!Bike!
On Fri, Mar 1, 2019 at 3:59 PM Ainsley Naylor needleandthread@gmail.com wrote: Hello bicycle community,
One of my students from Toronto is now in Argentina, and is asking if I can send her information on bicycle projects there. I cannot see any current bike projects listed on the wiki or in the contact list I have from Bike!Bike! in Winnipeg.
Any information this group can offer would be much appreciated - I'd love to get her hooked up with a new place to fix bikes :)
Thank you, Ainsley. ____________________________________
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