*Hi all,*
*Thanks for the BikeBike session on liability, that was helpful. * *Here is the info that I promised to share: *
*Good provider contacts: *
Susan Smith, Beehive Insurance ssmith@beehiveinsurance.com http://beehiveinsurance.com/non-profit/
Kyle Hatchett, Cambridge Insurance khatchett@cambridgeinsurance.net
Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance http://www.ani-rrg.org/, Risk Retention Group (ANI-RRG). https://www.ani-rrg.org/index.cfm https://www.ani-rrg.org/Nonprofit-Insurance-States-ANI-Writes-Coverage.cfm
*Some terms to know (with explanations from Susan): *
Coverage: Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit – This is a standard part of the general liability policy, and does not always apply to every customer. It is in reference to product defect, or completed operations. Produce defect is pretty straightforward. An example of completed operations would be something that has been built, such as a house. The liability extends to the completed home, and the contractor’s liability for something that happens after the home is completed.
Classifications: 41610 (Civic Association)- This is the main rating classification, and is used for community service types of organizations. The exposure number is based on your number of volunteers 10150 – Bicycle Stores – Sales and Service – This classification will pick up the exposure for sale of donated bicycles. This class code is a “payroll” based class code...if no payroll, they can use your annual budget 47474 – Schools – Trade or Vocational – This classification is for the bike repair. 43424 – Exhibitions – (For bicycle valet?)
*Happy BikeBike & safe travels home! * *Bella & co.*
Isabella Christensen & John Krueger (FCCBikeWorks) 502-558-3157 / 859-221-5329 www.facebook.com/FCCBikeworks bicyclingforlouisville.org/#fccb fccbikeworks.org