Greetings, Folks:
Does anyone have advice/suggestions/insight into these or other volunteer scheduling systems? I am testing out: Freehub, Flipcause, When I Work https://wheniwork.com/, Volgistics, https://www.volgistics.com/ and Freecyclerys rad spreadsheet.
Right now we have no scheduling system, but rather operate with a "just show up at these times" system. Keyholders let me know when they can't be at their regularly scheduled program and then I cover.
We have about 15 core volunteers (volunteer 4-6 time a month), and 15 active volunteers (they come once or twice a month). The main issue that I hope to resolve is volunteer retention and making all folks feel welcome to be a part of the organization. I realize there are many other benefits to implementing a scheduling system, as well as way to retain volunteers.
Thank you in advance!
Peace & grease,
*Audrey Wiedemeier* (She/her/hers) Iowa City Bike Library, Director
700 S. Dubuque St, Iowa City *Hours: *Sat. 10-3, Mon. 5-7, Tues. 6-8, Wed. 6-8, Thurs. 6-8, Fri. 4:30-6:30
BikeLibrary.org C: (515) 450-1651