Hi Thinktank list,
I have a request. I am helping a friend start up a bike collective of sorts based out of an orphanage in northern India (about 2 hours north of Delhi). He will be staying there for about two years and is arranging for some bikes and tools to be brought over from the US.
My question is if anybody on this list has experience teaching bike mechanics in a place like India, where the available tools may be limited and where bikes are used on a much more utilitarian manner than we are used to in the US. And if you don't have any experience, would you be able to forward this request on to anybody who has? I plan on contacting the village bike project for advice (just sending them email, so not sure how to best get in touch). Are there any people running projects in Mexico who may be able to help?
Specifically, I am asking for resources that could help in developing a curriculum for teaching bike mechanics in a rural orphanage in India. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks, Will
P.S. See the website to learn more about the bike project: http://www.kvbp.org/