27 Jul
27 Jul
8:32 p.m.
Consider building water thru radiator force air system.
Don't weld, etc without seeing frame builders list thread on stuff like that.
typing impaired by device, so phlat.
NB: BigBro monitors all, dude[tte]....
BackusNaurForm forgotten.
Lied to re: Del msgs. MailHoardersAnon*
On Jul 27, 2015 19:16, "Deb Salls" <deb@bikeworks.org> wrote:
> The St Louis http://www.bworks.org/ Bicycle Works group ( aka Bworks)
> has a cool electric powered way to put bikes on a hanging conveyor to move
> from floor to floor, I am sure it could be pedal powered with some
> ingenuity. I believe it was old industrial equipment that came with their
> awesome newly renovated building– if I remember correctly t looks kind of
> like what you would see at a dry cleaner or at a meat packing plant with
> hooks to attach things to it- it was awesome. I know I took pictures when
> I visited a few years ago but can’t find them in my current phone.
> Deb
> Deb Salls
> Executive Director
> 206-695-2607
> bikeworks.org
> Building sustainable communities by educating youth and promoting bicycling
> *From:* Thethinktank [mailto:
> thethinktank-bounces@lists.bikecollectives.org] *On Behalf Of *
> bykecollective
> *Sent:* Monday, July 27, 2015 7:12 AM
> *To:* thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org
> *Subject:* [TheThinkTank] Tips for basement (stairs!) youth bicycle
> program
> Hello from Baltimore Youth Kinetic Energy (BYKE)!
> We are moving to a new and awesome location, but we’ll be in a basement.
> We might only be there for 1 year, so major renovations aren’t going to
> happen.
> I have two main concerns:
> 1. Stairs(full flight, medium width)+ young people+bikes without brakes
> -a safe ramp?
> -has anyone tried building a kinetically powered platform
> elevator?
> -has anyone tried to build a track to secure a bicycle into
> and then let it fall with style? having some kind of slowing mechanism?
> 2. Ventilation codes
> -is that for the landlord to figure out?
> -regardless: were there any cheap and easy ways to increase
> ventilation?
> Any other unpredictable lessons learned from those who have held DIY bike
> workshops in basements?
> Thanks!
> Chavi
> https://www.facebook.com/BYKECollective
> https://twitter.com/BYKECollective
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