Call for Proposals are due February 25th. Come to Atlanta and let your voice be heard!
DREAM TEAM & YOUTH BIKE SUMMIT BRAG Dream Team was selected to host the 2020 Youth Bike Summit in Atlanta for the very first time when it received the “Golden Handlebars Award” and is co-hosting with the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition! The Youth Bicycle Summit's purpose is to celebrate and encourage youth advocacy of bicycling in communities across the country.
Each year, a new Youth Advisory Council for the Youth Bicycle Summit is created by the host organization to help organize the program for the next summit. This year, students from Grady HS, Maynard Jackson HS, KIPP Atlanta Collegiate, Woodward Academy, Brown MS, and Georgia State University have stepped up to serve on the 2020 Youth Advisory Council.
http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Nw2a8Isvftf2ArSbYfJcfWFcRfMneR8ctnG-68fUhf7irWGqHfcFTrC4kjKM0NxFD8E50leCQ77z4KweUaSYBMXYEArk6g0sY02SlfyX1-SEFC0XzwDREML5LtIygabtBAqspK8zErjPYiCuDGDtJA==&c=xXvLuJRnCRAaHxfGmcWVdSirbL23pU1-mKPtaVOitNEumlFy3K41MA==&ch=2ROlbkX-ICzR4HY0axBZGTxxJg4HAZ8EtpaRNbrBdzHjrI5GFJ9PeA== Accordingly, the Summit will engage students in various sessions and activities aimed at tackling important issues and topics related to bicycling such as bicycle safety, bike advocacy, and biking as an alternative form of transportation. This 2020 event will be a three-day affair that will take place at Grady High School from Friday, March 27 to Sunday, March 29. It will be a weekend of activities, learning sessions, games, competitions, and networking intended to build character, strengthen teamwork skills, increase confidence and encourage creativity toward our participants’ future endeavors in bicycle advocacy. Students, parents, cyclists, teacher/educators are all invited to attend!