Hi Folks, Matt here again, just chiming in as a fan, but non-collective member:
First off you answered your own question IMHO. The concept of leasing itself is unique, let alone leasing a bicycle. What better way to introduce yourself to the student body than to tell them how you can help and support them?
Most if not all students go to school fearing finances, and knowing they are underfunded. The vast majority are not bike interested or even aware. They are all or soon become transportation focused. By making them aware of a way to gain their "own" means of transport, that also offers community (another things students search for on and off campus) and support as well as financing, you are serving them, yourselves and the school. It also opens up the opportunity to hit on numerous other aspects of a bike Coop and what it can offer a student.
At the end of the day, it comes down to WIIFM (What's in it for me?) when you are addressing this sort of audience.
Now I have a question for all of you if I may: Again you speak of leasing bike: I am looking into leasing/rental options for a recreational biking program. Can anyone offer me some direction, program examples, or guidance of any sort which would be greatly appreciated?
Thanks and best of luck with your workshop!
Matt mfen651@aol.com
-----Original Message----- From: Matthew VanSlyke vanslyke.matthew@gmail.com To: Bike Collectives Listserv (The Think Tank) thethinktank@lists.bikecollectives.org Sent: Mon, Oct 7, 2013 11:08 am Subject: [TheThinkTank] What to Teach When You Only Have 1 Hour...
Okay Folks, here's the challenge:
You've been offered a chance to do a bike related workshop on a college campus. The only direction you have is "we want you to do a bike related workshop on campus. You have 1 hour".
So, what do you teach? Basic Bike maintenance? Riding in/as traffic? How to: get yourself to class on time even if you: get a flat, drop the chain, bend the wheel in a pot hole, etc?
In your experiences, what has been valuable for adults/college students? The community bike shop is a new concept in our City and we're trying to launch an effort to get students to lease our repurposed bikes. This will be a good "in" for us and a good way to introduce Utica Bike Rescue to the college community.
Any thoughts?
Thanks a Bunch, Matt VanSlyke
Utica Bike Rescue
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